What MeToInfinity Offers Students
Tutoring, Counseling, Coaching and Guidance
- Tutor school and college students In-Person or Online: Math, Statistics, English, Physics
- Play to your strength, Choose a major you are passionate about and can excel in.
- Use AI to automate technical, data, financial and routine skills, so you can focus on developing skills beyond the capacity of any AI that make us uniquely human: people, communication, collaboration, social and interdisciplinary skills, and more.
- For reading a few of my published articles on education, please visit this page.
- For a review of my teaching style and effectiveness, please click here.
A Life of Meaning and Purpose
- MeToInfinity guides students of all ages into taking the long view:
To live a life of meaning and purpose. - MeToInfinity recognizes the uniqueness of each student.
- MeToInfinity helps you become a lifelong learner.
- MeToInfinity helps find the Infinity within you.
Manage Your Time and Life
- Overcome digital distractions and avoid the black hole of social media.
- Prioritize tasks. Focus on the important and leave the rest.
- Remember that true success comes from patience, endurance and hard work.
- Know that insight and knowledge come from curiosity and humility.
- AI can never equal, far less exceed, your creativity, but you can use the strengths of AI
in exciting and innovative ways to complement your creativity. - Freed from routine tasks, you can focus on developing skills that no AI can teach: people skills, communication and collaborations skills, social skills, interdisciplinary skills, and more. Learn how at MeToInfinity.
-- - (From SJCC's Faculty Spotlight, 2024)
MeToInfinity offers students a solid foundation for their academic and professional lives, In-Person or Online.
Contact MeToInfinity today and experience a holistic life of meaning and purpose.
Contact MeToInfinity today and experience a holistic life of meaning and purpose.